Class ItemGuardCreature
- All Implemented Interfaces:
An ItemGuardCreature is a creature that is responsible for guarding a special
item (e.g. a key). Once it is killed, a copy of this special item is given to
the player who killed it.
If a quest is specified then the player only gets the item if the quest isn't completed.
If a queststate (and optionally, index) is also specified then the player only gets the item
if the quest is in that state
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.Creature
dropItemInstances, dropsItems, noises
Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.NPC
pauseDirection, pauseTurns, pauseTurnsRemaining, SOUND_RADIUS
Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.RPEntity
atk, ATTR_TITLE, damageReceived, def, level, lv_cap, ratk, statusAttackers, statusList, totalDamageReceived
Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.GuidedEntity
baseSpeed, pathnotifier
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
ConstructorDescriptionItemGuardCreature(Creature copy, String itemType)
Creates an ItemGuardCreature.ItemGuardCreature(Creature copy, String itemType, String questSlot, String questState)
Creates an ItemGuardCreature.ItemGuardCreature(Creature copy, String itemType, String questSlot, String questState, int questIndex)
Creates an ItemGuardCreature.ItemGuardCreature(Creature copy, String itemType, String itemInfostring, String itemDescr, String questSlot, String questState, int questIndex)
Creates an ItemGuardCreature. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptioncreates a new instance, using this creature as templatevoid
This method is called when this entity has been killed (hp == 0).Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.Creature
addDropItem, addDropItem, addDropItem, attack, clearDropItemList, dropItemsOn, equip, generateRPClass, getAIProfile, getAIProfiles, getAttackStrategy, getAttackTurn, getCorpseDeserver, getCorpseHeight, getCorpseName, getCorpseWidth, getDamageType, getEnemyList, getHarmlessCorpseName, getItemAtk, getItemRatk, getMaxRangeForArcher, getNearestEnemy, getRangedDamageType, getRespawnPoint, getRespawnTime, getSusceptibility, hasTargetMoved, init, isAbnormal, isAttackable, isAttackTurn, isBoss, isEnemyNear, isPlayingMovementSound, isRare, isSpawned, logic, makeNoise, makeNoiseChance, notifyRegisteredObjects, registerObjectsForNotification, registerObjectsForNotification, setAIProfiles, setAttackStrategy, setBusy, setCorpse, setDamageTypes, setDeathSound, setHealer, setIdle, setMovementSound, setNoises, setRespawned, setRespawnPoint, setSusceptibilities, stopMovementSound, unregisterObjectsForNotification, unregisterObjectsForNotification
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.NPC
checkPause, getIdea, getMovementRange, getPerceptionRange, getSounds, maybeMakeSound, maybeMakeSound, moveRandomly, onFinishedPath, say, setIdea, setMovement, setMovementRange, setPathCompletedPause, setPathCompletedPause, setPerceptionRange, setRandomPathFrom, setSounds, setSounds
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.DressedEntity
getOriginalOutfit, getOutfit, getOutfitColors, isNaked, put, restoreOriginalOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfitColor, setOutfitColor, setOutfitColor, setOutfitColors, setOutfitWithDetail, unsetOutfitColor
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.RPEntity
addAtkXP, addBaseMana, addDefXP, addKarma, addMana, addRatkXP, addStatusAttacker, addXP, applyDefXP, applyDistanceAttackModifiers, canDoRangeAttack, canHit, damage, damageDone, delayedDamage, describe, drop, drop, drop, dropDroppableItem, dropWithInfostring, dropWithInfostring, entityAsOnlinePlayer, entityAsPet, equip, equipOrPutOnGround, equipToInventoryOnly, getAllEquipped, getAllEquippedWithInfostring, getAmmunition, getArmor, getAtk, getAtkXP, getAttackingRPEntities, getAttackRate, getAttackSources, getAttackTarget, getBaseHP, getBaseMana, getBloodClass, getBoots, getCappedAtk, getCappedDef, getCappedRatk, getCloak, getDeathSound, getDef, getDefenseItems, getDefXP, getDescriptionName, getDroppables, getEquippedItemClass, getFirstEquipped, getHelmet, getHP, getItemDef, getKarma, getLanguage, getLegs, getLevel, getLVCap, getMana, getMissileIfNotHoldingOtherWeapon, getName, getNumberOfEquipped, getRangeWeapon, getRatk, getRatkXP, getRing, getsFightXpFrom, getShield, getSlotToEquip, getStatusList, getTitle, getTotalNumberOf, getWeapon, getWeapons, getXP, handleLifesteal, handlePortal, hasArmor, hasBoots, hasCloak, hasHelmet, hasLegs, hasLineOfSight, hasRing, hasShield, hasStatus, heal, heal, heal, incAtkXP, incDefXP, incRatkXP, initHP, isAttacked, isAttacking, isEquipped, isEquipped, isEquippedItemClass, isEquippedItemInSlot, isEquippedWithInfostring, isEquippedWithInfostring, isInvisibleToCreatures, makeCorpse, maybeDropDroppables, onAdded, onDamaged, onDead, onRemoved, rememberAttacker, rewardKillerAnimals, rewardKillers, sendPrivateText, sendPrivateText, setAtk, setAtkInternal, setAtkXP, setBaseHP, setBaseMana, setBlood, setDef, setDefInternal, setDefXP, setHP, setLevel, setLVCap, setMana, setName, setRatk, setRatkInternal, setRatkXP, setRatkXPInternal, setShadowStyle, setTarget, setTitle, setXP, stopAttack, stopAttacking, subXP, update, updateItemAtkDef, updateLevel, useKarma, useKarma, useKarma
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.GuidedEntity
addSuspend, addSuspend, applyMovement, atMovementRadius, clearPath, followPath, getBaseSpeed, getCollisionAction, getDirectionFromOrigin, getDistanceFromOrigin, getGuide, getPath, getPathPosition, handleObjectCollision, hasPath, isPathLoop, onMoved, onNodeReached, onOutsideMovementRadius, removeSuspend, reroute, retracePath, setBaseSpeed, setCollisionAction, setPath, setPath, setPathAndPosition, setPathPosition, setRandomMovementRadius, setRandomMovementRadius, setRetracePath, setUsesRandomPath, stop, updateModifiedAttributes, usesRandomPath
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.ActiveEntity
canMoveTo, canMoveTo, faceto, faceToward, getDirection, getDirectionToward, getDirectionToward, getResistance, getSpeed, getStepsTaken, handleLeaveZone, handleSimpleCollision, ignoresCollision, isFacingToward, isGhost, isMoveCompleted, isZoneChangeAllowed, move, setDirection, setIgnoresCollision, setSpeed, stopped
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.Entity
getAdjacentNodes, getArea, getArea, getCursor, getDescription, getEntitySlot, getHeight, getOrigin, getResistance, getWidth, getX, getY, getZone, hasDescription, isInSight, isObstacle, nextTo, nextTo, notifyWorldAboutChanges, setCursor, setDescription, setEntityClass, setEntitySubclass, setMenu, setPosition, setResistance, setSize, setVisibility, slotIterator, slots, squaredDistance, squaredDistance
Methods inherited from class
addEvent, addLink, addLink, addMap, addSlot, addSlot, applyDifferences, clearEvents, clearVisible, clone, containsKey, equals, events, eventsIterator, fill, get, getBaseContainer, getBoolean, getContainer, getContainerBaseOwner, getContainerOwner, getContainerSlot, getDifferences, getDouble, getFromSlots, getID, getInt, getLink, getLinkedObject, getMap, getSlot, has, hashCode, hasLink, hasMap, hasSlot, hide, isContained, isEmpty, isHidden, isStorable, maps, put, put, put, put, readObject, remove, removeLink, removeMap, removeSlot, resetAddedAndDeleted, resetAddedAndDeletedMaps, resetAddedAndDeletedRPLink, resetAddedAndDeletedRPSlot, setAddedMaps, setAddedRPSlot, setContainer, setDeletedMaps, setDeletedRPSlot, setID, size, slots, slotsIterator, store, toString, unhide, unstore, writeObject, writeObject, writeToJson
Methods inherited from class
deserializeRPSlots, fill, serializeRPSlots
Methods inherited from class
add, applyDifferences, get, getBool, getDouble, getInt, getList, getLong, getRPClass, has, instanceOf, iterator, put, put, put, put, readFromMap, remove, resetAddedAndDeletedAttributes, setAddedAttributes, setDeletedAttributes, setRPClass, setRPClass, toAttributeString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
forEach, spliterator
Constructor Details
Creates an ItemGuardCreature.- Parameters:
- base creatureitemType
- the quest item to drop on death
Creates an ItemGuardCreature.- Parameters:
- base creatureitemType
- the quest item to drop on deathquestSlot
- the quest slot for the active questquestState
- the state of the quest to check on dead for
public ItemGuardCreature(Creature copy, String itemType, String questSlot, String questState, int questIndex)Creates an ItemGuardCreature.- Parameters:
- base creatureitemType
- the quest item to drop on deathquestSlot
- the quest slot for the active questquestState
- the state of the quest to check on dead forquestIndex
- the index of the quest slot to look in
public ItemGuardCreature(Creature copy, String itemType, String itemInfostring, String itemDescr, String questSlot, String questState, int questIndex)Creates an ItemGuardCreature.- Parameters:
- base creatureitemType
- the quest item to drop on deathitemInfostring
- optional info string to add to itemitemDescr
- optional description string to add to itemquestSlot
- the quest slot for the active questquestState
- the state of the quest to check on dead forquestIndex
- the index of the quest slot to look in
Method Details
Description copied from class:Creature
creates a new instance, using this creature as template- Overrides:
in classCreature
- Returns:
- a new creature
Description copied from class:RPEntity
This method is called when this entity has been killed (hp == 0).