Class Sheep
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Author:
- Daniel Herding
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Field Summary
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected static int
The amount of hunger that indicates extremely hungry.protected static int
The amount of hunger that indicates hungry.protected static int
The amount of hunger that indicates starvation.static int
The weight at which the sheep will stop eating.Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.DomesticAnimal
owner, wasOwned, weight
Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.Creature
dropItemInstances, dropsItems, noises
Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.NPC
pauseDirection, pauseTurns, pauseTurnsRemaining, SOUND_RADIUS
Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.RPEntity
atk, ATTR_TITLE, damageReceived, def, level, lv_cap, ratk, statusAttackers, statusList, totalDamageReceived
Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.GuidedEntity
baseSpeed, pathnotifier
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondescribe()
Describes the entity (if a players looks at it).protected void
Let the sheep eat some food.static void
getFoodinRange(double range)
Returns a list of SheepFood in the given range ordered by distance.void
Determines what the sheep shall do next.void
Is called when the sheep dies.protected boolean
Called when the sheep is hungry.protected void
Called when the sheep is idle.protected void
Called when the sheep is starving.protected boolean
setAttackStrategy(Map<String,String> aiProfiles)
Set the fighting strategy used by the creature.Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.DomesticAnimal
dropItemsOn, getOwner, getWeight, handleObjectCollision, handleSimpleCollision, isOwnerCallingMe, moveToOwner, setOwner, setWeight, takesPartInCombat, update, wasOwned
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.Creature
addDropItem, addDropItem, addDropItem, attack, clearDropItemList, equip, getAIProfile, getAIProfiles, getAttackStrategy, getAttackTurn, getCorpseDeserver, getCorpseHeight, getCorpseName, getCorpseWidth, getDamageType, getEnemyList, getHarmlessCorpseName, getItemAtk, getItemRatk, getMaxRangeForArcher, getNearestEnemy, getNewInstance, getRangedDamageType, getRespawnPoint, getRespawnTime, getSusceptibility, hasTargetMoved, init, isAbnormal, isAttackable, isAttackTurn, isBoss, isEnemyNear, isPlayingMovementSound, isRare, isSpawned, makeNoise, makeNoiseChance, notifyRegisteredObjects, registerObjectsForNotification, registerObjectsForNotification, setAIProfiles, setBusy, setCorpse, setDamageTypes, setDeathSound, setHealer, setIdle, setMovementSound, setNoises, setRespawned, setRespawnPoint, setSusceptibilities, stopMovementSound, unregisterObjectsForNotification, unregisterObjectsForNotification
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.NPC
checkPause, getIdea, getMovementRange, getPerceptionRange, getSounds, maybeMakeSound, maybeMakeSound, moveRandomly, onFinishedPath, say, setIdea, setMovement, setMovementRange, setPathCompletedPause, setPathCompletedPause, setPerceptionRange, setRandomPathFrom, setSounds, setSounds
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.DressedEntity
getOriginalOutfit, getOutfit, getOutfitColors, isNaked, put, restoreOriginalOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfit, setOutfitColor, setOutfitColor, setOutfitColor, setOutfitColors, setOutfitWithDetail, unsetOutfitColor
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.RPEntity
addAtkXP, addBaseMana, addDefXP, addKarma, addMana, addRatkXP, addStatusAttacker, addXP, applyDefXP, applyDistanceAttackModifiers, canDoRangeAttack, canHit, damage, damageDone, delayedDamage, drop, drop, drop, dropDroppableItem, dropWithInfostring, dropWithInfostring, entityAsOnlinePlayer, entityAsPet, equip, equipOrPutOnGround, equipToInventoryOnly, getAllEquipped, getAllEquippedWithInfostring, getAmmunition, getArmor, getAtk, getAtkXP, getAttackingRPEntities, getAttackRate, getAttackSources, getAttackTarget, getBaseHP, getBaseMana, getBloodClass, getBoots, getCappedAtk, getCappedDef, getCappedRatk, getCloak, getDeathSound, getDef, getDefenseItems, getDefXP, getDescriptionName, getDroppables, getEquippedItemClass, getFirstEquipped, getHelmet, getHP, getItemDef, getKarma, getLanguage, getLegs, getLevel, getLVCap, getMana, getMissileIfNotHoldingOtherWeapon, getName, getNumberOfEquipped, getRangeWeapon, getRatk, getRatkXP, getRing, getsFightXpFrom, getShield, getSlotToEquip, getStatusList, getTitle, getTotalNumberOf, getWeapon, getWeapons, getXP, handleLifesteal, handlePortal, hasArmor, hasBoots, hasCloak, hasHelmet, hasLegs, hasLineOfSight, hasRing, hasShield, hasStatus, heal, heal, heal, incAtkXP, incDefXP, incRatkXP, initHP, isAttacked, isAttacking, isEquipped, isEquipped, isEquippedItemClass, isEquippedItemInSlot, isEquippedWithInfostring, isEquippedWithInfostring, isInvisibleToCreatures, makeCorpse, maybeDropDroppables, onAdded, onDamaged, onDead, onRemoved, rememberAttacker, rewardKillerAnimals, rewardKillers, sendPrivateText, sendPrivateText, setAtk, setAtkInternal, setAtkXP, setBaseHP, setBaseMana, setBlood, setDef, setDefInternal, setDefXP, setHP, setLevel, setLVCap, setMana, setName, setRatk, setRatkInternal, setRatkXP, setRatkXPInternal, setShadowStyle, setTarget, setTitle, setXP, stopAttack, stopAttacking, subXP, updateItemAtkDef, updateLevel, useKarma, useKarma, useKarma
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.GuidedEntity
addSuspend, addSuspend, applyMovement, atMovementRadius, clearPath, followPath, getBaseSpeed, getCollisionAction, getDirectionFromOrigin, getDistanceFromOrigin, getGuide, getPath, getPathPosition, hasPath, isPathLoop, onMoved, onNodeReached, onOutsideMovementRadius, removeSuspend, reroute, retracePath, setBaseSpeed, setCollisionAction, setPath, setPath, setPathAndPosition, setPathPosition, setRandomMovementRadius, setRandomMovementRadius, setRetracePath, setUsesRandomPath, stop, updateModifiedAttributes, usesRandomPath
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.ActiveEntity
canMoveTo, canMoveTo, faceto, faceToward, getDirection, getDirectionToward, getDirectionToward, getResistance, getSpeed, getStepsTaken, handleLeaveZone, ignoresCollision, isFacingToward, isGhost, isMoveCompleted, isZoneChangeAllowed, move, setDirection, setIgnoresCollision, setSpeed, stopped
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.Entity
getAdjacentNodes, getArea, getArea, getCursor, getDescription, getEntitySlot, getHeight, getOrigin, getResistance, getWidth, getX, getY, getZone, hasDescription, isInSight, isObstacle, nextTo, nextTo, notifyWorldAboutChanges, setCursor, setDescription, setEntityClass, setEntitySubclass, setMenu, setPosition, setResistance, setSize, setVisibility, slotIterator, slots, squaredDistance, squaredDistance
Methods inherited from class
addEvent, addLink, addLink, addMap, addSlot, addSlot, applyDifferences, clearEvents, clearVisible, clone, containsKey, equals, events, eventsIterator, fill, get, getBaseContainer, getBoolean, getContainer, getContainerBaseOwner, getContainerOwner, getContainerSlot, getDifferences, getDouble, getFromSlots, getID, getInt, getLink, getLinkedObject, getMap, getSlot, has, hashCode, hasLink, hasMap, hasSlot, hide, isContained, isEmpty, isHidden, isStorable, maps, put, put, put, put, readObject, remove, removeLink, removeMap, removeSlot, resetAddedAndDeleted, resetAddedAndDeletedMaps, resetAddedAndDeletedRPLink, resetAddedAndDeletedRPSlot, setAddedMaps, setAddedRPSlot, setContainer, setDeletedMaps, setDeletedRPSlot, setID, size, slots, slotsIterator, store, toString, unhide, unstore, writeObject, writeObject, writeToJson
Methods inherited from class
deserializeRPSlots, fill, serializeRPSlots
Methods inherited from class
add, applyDifferences, get, getBool, getDouble, getInt, getList, getLong, getRPClass, has, instanceOf, iterator, put, put, put, put, readFromMap, remove, resetAddedAndDeletedAttributes, setAddedAttributes, setDeletedAttributes, setRPClass, setRPClass, toAttributeString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
forEach, spliterator
Field Details
protected static final int HUNGER_HUNGRYThe amount of hunger that indicates hungry.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
protected static final int HUNGER_EXTREMELY_HUNGRYThe amount of hunger that indicates extremely hungry.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
protected static final int HUNGER_STARVATIONThe amount of hunger that indicates starvation.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
public static final int MAX_WEIGHTThe weight at which the sheep will stop eating.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
Constructor Details
public Sheep()Creates a new wild Sheep. -
Creates a new Sheep that is owned by a player.- Parameters:
- owning player, ornull
Creates a Sheep based on an existing sheep RPObject, and assigns it to a player.- Parameters:
- object containing the data for the sheepowner
- The player who should own the sheep
Method Details
Description copied from class:Creature
Set the fighting strategy used by the creature.- Overrides:
in classCreature
- Parameters:
- AI profiles to be used when deciding the strategy
public static void generateRPClass() -
Is called when the sheep dies. Removes the dead sheep from the owner. -
Returns a list of SheepFood in the given range ordered by distance. The first in list is the nearest.- Parameters:
- The maximum distance to a SheepFood- Returns:
- a list of SheepFood or emptyList if none is found in the given range
protected boolean onHungry()Called when the sheep is hungry.- Returns:
if the sheep is hunting for food.
protected boolean searchForFood() -
protected void onIdle()Called when the sheep is idle. -
protected void onStarve()Called when the sheep is starving. -
Let the sheep eat some food.- Parameters:
- The food to eat.
public void logic()Determines what the sheep shall do next. -
Description copied from class:Entity
Describes the entity (if a players looks at it).