Package games.stendhal.server.entity.mapstuff.area
package games.stendhal.server.entity.mapstuff.area
ClassDescriptionA base area entity.A base factory for
objects.An area prevents creatures from entering.An entry representing creature criteria.A base factory forCreatureProtectionArea
objects.An area that damages an RPEntity while over it.A base factory forDamagingArea
objects.An entity that acts as an obstacle for "walking" entities.hides the area from the clientAn area that drains an RPEntity of HP while over it.A base factory forLifeDrainArea
objects.Area that sends a private message to any player entering and/or leaving it.prevents logging in inside the specified areaA base factory forNoLoginArea
objects.prevents teleporting into the specified areaprevents teleporting out of the specified areaAn base area that performs actions on RPEntity's that are entering, leaving, moving in, or standing in it's space.A base factory forOccupantArea
objects.An area that only allows one play at a time to enter.A base factory forOnePlayerArea area which consists of tiled imagesAn entity that just acts as an obstacle.An entity that just acts as a visible obstacle like a wall.