
logic for Ados market.
  • Class Summary
    Builds a npc in Ados (name:Haunchy Meatoch) who is a grillmaster on the market
    Mia works in the Botanical Gardens cafe.
    Builds a npc in Ados (name: Hank) who is a customer of the distillery
    Provides Uncle Dag NPC, in Ados Market.
    Builds a NPC in a house on Ados market (name:Caroline) who is the daughter of fisherman Fritz
    Builds a npc in Ados (name:Florence Boullabaisse) who is a fish soup maker on the market
    Food and drink seller, at Ados Market
    Provides Ambrogita, a grocery seller in Ados Market
    Builds a npc in Ados (name: Aerianna) who is a half elf
    Builds a npc in Ados (name:Fritz) who is an old fisherman on the market
    An oracle who lets players know how they can help others.
    Creates the NPCs and portals in Ados City.