Interface RPObjectChangeListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
ActiveEntity, Block, Blood, BossCreature, Box, BreakableRing, CarrotGrower, Chest, Corpse, Creature, DomesticAnimal, Door, Entity, Fire, FlyOverArea, Food, GameBoard, GameObjects, GrainField, HousePortal, InvisibleEntity, Item, LoopedSoundSource, NPC, Pet, PlantGrower, Player, Portal, Ring, RPEntity, Sheep, SheepFood, Sign, Spell, StackableItem, StatefulEntity, UseableItem, UseableRing, User, UserContext, WalkBlocker, Wall

public interface RPObjectChangeListener
A listener of RPObject changes.
  • Method Details

    • onAdded

      void onAdded(RPObject object)
      An object was added.
      object - The object.
    • onChangedAdded

      void onChangedAdded(RPObject object, RPObject changes)
      The object added/changed attribute(s).
      object - The base object.
      changes - The changes.
    • onChangedRemoved

      void onChangedRemoved(RPObject object, RPObject changes)
      The object removed attribute(s).
      object - The base object.
      changes - The changes.
    • onRemoved

      void onRemoved(RPObject object)
      An object was removed.
      object - The object.
    • onSlotAdded

      void onSlotAdded(RPObject object, String slotName, RPObject sobject)
      A slot object was added.
      object - The container object.
      slotName - The slot name.
      sobject - The slot object.
    • onSlotChangedAdded

      void onSlotChangedAdded(RPObject object, String slotName, RPObject sobject, RPObject schanges)
      A slot object added/changed attribute(s).
      object - The base container object.
      slotName - The container's slot name.
      sobject - The slot object.
      schanges - The slot object changes.
    • onSlotChangedRemoved

      void onSlotChangedRemoved(RPObject object, String slotName, RPObject sobject, RPObject schanges)
      A slot object removed attribute(s).
      object - The base container object.
      slotName - The container's slot name.
      sobject - The slot object.
      schanges - The slot object changes.
    • onSlotRemoved

      void onSlotRemoved(RPObject object, String slotName, RPObject sobject)
      A slot object was removed.
      object - The container object.
      slotName - The slot name.
      sobject - The slot object.