Class Sha512Crypt


public final class Sha512Crypt extends Object
This class defines a method, Sha512_crypt(), which takes a password and a salt string and generates a Sha512 encrypted password entry. This class implements the new generation, scalable, SHA512-based Unix 'crypt' algorithm developed by a group of engineers from Red Hat, Sun, IBM, and HP for common use in the Unix and Linux /etc/shadow files. The Linux glibc library (starting at version 2.7) includes support for validating passwords hashed using this algorithm. The algorithm itself was released into the Public Domain by Ulrich Drepper <>. A discussion of the rationale and development of this algorithm is at and the specification and a sample C language implementation is at
  • Constructor Details

    • Sha512Crypt

      public Sha512Crypt()
  • Method Details

    • Sha512_crypt

      public static final String Sha512_crypt(String keyStr, String saltStr, int roundsCount)
      This method actually generates an Sha512 crypted password hash from a plaintext password and a salt.

      The resulting string will be in the form '$6$<rounds=n>$<salt>$<hashed mess>

      keyStr - Plaintext password
      saltStr - An encoded salt/roundes which will be consulted to determine the salt and round count, if not null
      roundsCount - If this value is not 0, this many rounds will used to generate the hash text.
      The Sha512 Unix Crypt hash text for the keyStr
    • verifyPassword

      public static final boolean verifyPassword(String plaintextPass, String sha512CryptText)
      This method tests a plaintext password against a SHA512 Unix Crypt'ed hash and returns true if the password matches the hash.
      plaintextPass - The plaintext password text to test.
      sha512CryptText - The hash text we're testing against. We'll extract the salt and the round count from this String.
    • verifyHashTextFormat

      public static final boolean verifyHashTextFormat(String sha512CryptText)
    • main

      public static void main(String[] arg)
      Test rig