Package marauroa.common.crypto

package marauroa.common.crypto
Stores Cryptography classes used to handle login process.
  • A) If client does not have the RSA public key of the server, then :
    1. Client ask for the RSA key of the server
    2. Server send the key to the client

    From now own, I'll call K the key of the server, I'll call K(x), the message x encrypted with key K. I'll call K*(y) the message y decrypted with key K. Please note that K*(K(x)) = K(K*(x)) = x.

    I'll call H(x) the hash of the value x.

    I'll call x^y the operation x xor y. Please note that x^y^x = x^x^y = y^x^x = y

    I'll call l the client login and p the client password.

  • B) From now on the client knows the key K.
    1. Client choose a nonce n1 randomly and send a H(n1) to the server
    2. Server get H(n1), choose a nonce n2 randomly and send n2 to the client.
    3. Client get n2. It compute h = n1 ^ n2 It compute proof = K(h^p) It sends to the server l, n1, and proof
    4. The server get the 3 values. It checks that the first value he gets is H(n1), otherwise he aborts. From n1 and n2, it computes h. It gets p from the DB and now it checks that : K*(proof)^h == p He can now decide if he must log the client in or not.

The n1 and n2 nonce and all the protocol with H(n1) are used to create a randomly number that if agreed between the client and the server but that none of the two can choose.

  • Class Summary
    This class is used to create Hashes of byte arrays.
    Implementation of a private RSA Key
    Implementation of a RSA key.
    This class defines a method, Sha512_crypt(), which takes a password and a salt string and generates a Sha512 encrypted password entry.
    Symmetric Key crypto