Package games.stendhal.server.entity.mapstuff.block

package games.stendhal.server.entity.mapstuff.block
  • Class Summary
    A solid, movable block on a map.
    a factory for movable blocks
    An entity representing a target for a pushable block
    a factory for movable block targets
    Configurator for a block target required parameters - x and y coordinate optional parameters - condition the condition to evaluate when a block target can be triggered - action the trigger action when the block target is triggered
    Factory for pushable Blocks required parameters: start-x = initial x coordinate, where the block also will be resetted to start-y = initial y coordinate, where the block also will be resetted to optional parameters: multi = boolean flag to allow the block being pushed more than once from its initial position, defaults to false class = defines the client side representation differing from the default boulder, defaults to block shape = defines special shape to make block fit only on special shaped targets description = override default description sounds = comma separated list of sounds which should be played clients side on push