Class Container
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Implementation of container items, such as bags and key rings.
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item
autobind, canBeEquippedIn, describe, deteriorate, deteriorate, generateRPClass, getAttack, getAttackRate, getAttackRate, getBoundTo, getDamageType, getDefaultAttackRate, getDefense, getDescriptionName, getDeterioration, getInfoString, getItemClass, getItemSubclass, getMinLevel, getName, getPlantGrower, getPossibleSlots, getQuantity, getRangedAttack, getSusceptibility, getTitle, getWeaponType, initializeActiveSlotsList, initializeStatusResistancesList, isBound, isFromCorpse, isOfClass, isPersistent, isUndroppableOnDeath, onEquipped, onPickedUp, onPutOnGround, onPutOnGround, onRemoveFromGround, onTurnReached, onUnequipped, onUsed, removeFromWorld, removeOne, repair, setBoundTo, setDamageType, setEquipableSlots, setFromCorpse, setInfoString, setPersistent, setPlantGrower, setSusceptibilities, setUndroppableOnDeath, setUseBehavior, toString
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.Entity
getAdjacentNodes, getArea, getArea, getCursor, getDescription, getEntitySlot, getHeight, getOrigin, getResistance, getResistance, getWidth, getX, getY, getZone, hasDescription, isInSight, isObstacle, nextTo, nextTo, notifyWorldAboutChanges, onAdded, onMoved, onRemoved, setCursor, setDescription, setEntityClass, setEntitySubclass, setMenu, setPosition, setResistance, setSize, setVisibility, slotIterator, slots, squaredDistance, squaredDistance, stopped, update
Methods inherited from class
addEvent, addLink, addLink, addMap, addSlot, addSlot, applyDifferences, clearEvents, clearVisible, clone, containsKey, equals, events, eventsIterator, fill, get, getBaseContainer, getBoolean, getContainer, getContainerBaseOwner, getContainerOwner, getContainerSlot, getDifferences, getDouble, getFromSlots, getID, getInt, getLink, getLinkedObject, getMap, getSlot, has, hashCode, hasLink, hasMap, hasSlot, hide, isContained, isEmpty, isHidden, isStorable, maps, put, put, put, put, readObject, remove, removeLink, removeMap, removeSlot, resetAddedAndDeleted, resetAddedAndDeletedMaps, resetAddedAndDeletedRPLink, resetAddedAndDeletedRPSlot, setAddedMaps, setAddedRPSlot, setContainer, setDeletedMaps, setDeletedRPSlot, setID, size, slots, slotsIterator, store, unhide, unstore, writeObject, writeObject, writeToJson
Methods inherited from class
deserializeRPSlots, fill, serializeRPSlots
Methods inherited from class
add, applyDifferences, get, getBool, getDouble, getInt, getList, getLong, getRPClass, has, instanceOf, iterator, put, put, put, put, put, readFromMap, remove, resetAddedAndDeletedAttributes, setAddedAttributes, setDeletedAttributes, setRPClass, setRPClass, toAttributeString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
forEach, spliterator
Constructor Details
Creates a new Container.- Parameters:
- name of containerclazz
- class (or type) of itemsubclass
- subclass of this itemattributes
- attributes (like container slot name). may be empty ornull
Copy constructor. Needed by the bank chests.- Parameters:
- copied container