Field Summary
Fields inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.Entity
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Invoked when the object is used.
protected boolean
Inheriting classes can override this to determine action to execute
when item is used in correct area.
protected boolean
Inheriting classes can override this to determine action to execute
when item is used in correct area.
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item
autobind, canBeEquippedIn, describe, deteriorate, deteriorate, generateRPClass, getAttack, getAttackRate, getAttackRate, getBoundTo, getDamageType, getDefaultAttackRate, getDefense, getDescriptionName, getDeterioration, getInfoString, getItemClass, getItemSubclass, getMinLevel, getName, getPlantGrower, getPossibleSlots, getQuantity, getRangedAttack, getSusceptibility, getTitle, getWeaponType, initializeActiveSlotsList, initializeStatusResistancesList, isBound, isFromCorpse, isOfClass, isPersistent, isUndroppableOnDeath, onEquipped, onPickedUp, onPutOnGround, onPutOnGround, onRemoveFromGround, onTurnReached, onUnequipped, removeFromWorld, removeOne, repair, setBoundTo, setDamageType, setEquipableSlots, setFromCorpse, setInfoString, setPersistent, setPlantGrower, setSusceptibilities, setUndroppableOnDeath, setUseBehavior, toString
Methods inherited from class games.stendhal.server.entity.Entity
getAdjacentNodes, getArea, getArea, getCursor, getDescription, getEntitySlot, getHeight, getOrigin, getResistance, getResistance, getWidth, getX, getY, getZone, hasDescription, isInSight, isObstacle, nextTo, nextTo, notifyWorldAboutChanges, onAdded, onMoved, onRemoved, setCursor, setDescription, setEntityClass, setEntitySubclass, setMenu, setPosition, setResistance, setSize, setVisibility, slotIterator, slots, squaredDistance, squaredDistance, stopped, update
Methods inherited from class marauroa.common.game.RPObject
addEvent, addLink, addLink, addMap, addSlot, addSlot, applyDifferences, clearEvents, clearVisible, clone, containsKey, equals, events, eventsIterator, fill, get, getBaseContainer, getBoolean, getContainer, getContainerBaseOwner, getContainerOwner, getContainerSlot, getDifferences, getDouble, getFromSlots, getID, getInt, getLink, getLinkedObject, getMap, getSlot, has, hashCode, hasLink, hasMap, hasSlot, hide, isContained, isEmpty, isHidden, isStorable, maps, put, put, put, put, readObject, remove, removeLink, removeMap, removeSlot, resetAddedAndDeleted, resetAddedAndDeletedMaps, resetAddedAndDeletedRPLink, resetAddedAndDeletedRPSlot, setAddedMaps, setAddedRPSlot, setContainer, setDeletedMaps, setDeletedRPSlot, setID, size, slots, slotsIterator, store, unhide, unstore, writeObject, writeObject, writeToJson
Methods inherited from class marauroa.common.game.Attributes
add, applyDifferences, get, getBool, getDouble, getInt, getList, getLong, getRPClass, has, instanceOf, iterator, put, put, put, put, put, readFromMap, remove, resetAddedAndDeletedAttributes, setAddedAttributes, setDeletedAttributes, setRPClass, setRPClass, toAttributeString
Methods inherited from interface games.stendhal.server.entity.Killer
Constructor Details
Copy constructor.
- Parameters:
- Item to copy.
Method Details
Invoked when the object is used.
- Specified by:
in interface UseListener
- Overrides:
in class Item
- Parameters:
- the RPEntity who uses the object
- Returns:
- true if successful
Inheriting classes can override this to determine action to execute
when item is used in correct area.
- Parameters:
- Entity using the item.
- Zone the entity is currently in.
- X coordinate of entity's position.
- Y coordinate of entity's position.
- Returns:
true if item used successfully.
protected boolean onUsedInArea
(RPEntity user)
Inheriting classes can override this to determine action to execute
when item is used in correct area.
- Parameters:
- Entity using the item.
- Returns:
true if item used successfully.